
Smart Distribution Grid

TDS-600 series distribution automation, based on primary frame and equipment with the terminal unit of distribution automation as core, applies multiple communication modes to implement monitoring and control on distribution grid systems and achieve scientific management of the system via information integration with distribution main substation system. TDS-600 series terminal of distribution grid automation including feeder terminal unit (FTU), station terminal unit (DTU), distribution and transformation terminal unit (TTU), and fault indicator etc. are mainly applied in pole switch, ring network cabinet, small switching station, packaged substation, distribution transformer, electricity transmission and distribution line etc., which are able to realize the functions of electricity collection, switch on-off control, fault detection, fault location, fault separation and restoration of power supply in non-fault area together with distribution automation main substation system so as to promote the reliability of power supply.

Distribution automation system is a new generation of “self-healing” system of smart distribution grid designed by TBEA based on standardized platform. It is developed on account of summarizing multiple-year experiences in distribution automation operation at home and abroad, referring to the latest standards of domestic distribution grid and integrating with the latest distribution network control technology. The terminal, designed in compliance with IEC61850 standard, applies miniaturized and low-loss design and is functioned with complete relay protection and fault recovery, able to meet the demand of various types of distribution automation construction and reformation at home including simple type, utility type, standard type, integrated type, smart type etc.; each part of it can both work independently and be compatibly used together with equipment from other manufacturers.
Parameter Range:

Distribution automation, distribution line fault location, distributed generation and smart microgrid.

Technical standard such as international standard IEC61850 etc.
Main Products

DTSY089-K4 (Three-phase smart meter)

TDS610 (FTU)

TDS613A (Digital fault indicator)




  • DTSY089-K4 (Three-phase smart meter)
  • TDS610 (FTU)
  • TDS613A (Digital fault indicator)
  • TDS613C (Remote signaling & telemetering power distribution terminal)
  • TDS620(DTU)
  • TDS630(TTU)
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